Sunday, April 17, 2011

Giveaway Swatch Uno.

So yesterday I posted about a giveaway I won from Leslie over at Nail Polish Art Addiction. This is a swatch from one of the polishes.

I decided to use Red Dazzle, because.. let's face it..I'm attracted to bright and shiny things. I used two coats, even though this can be completely opaque in one coat (hence the name - one coat glitter :D). This is a clear base with tons and tons and tons of red micro glitter.

But that would mean that I would actually have to pay attention while painting my nails and not leave bald spots :)

So here are my swatches.. hope you enjoy!!

Please just don't notice my pointer finger :)

 Sorry about no clean up.. again doing nails and homework :)

AND... this glitter is ridiculous to get off :? ack! but i still feel like Dorothy :).. yes the girl from Kansas just made a Wizard of Oz joke :)

 Here we are with a top coat. I used this as my base coat as well. I don't really like it. but I'm too frugal to throw it away :)
Blurry glitter madness

Looks like it has gold, but I think that might be the lighting

 Thanks for reading! have a great day!!

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