On to the swatches!!. This was two coats but could be fully opaque in one. I used 'Nail Life Gripper' as my base. The only real complaint is that it never really dried. Even the day after I applied it, I hit my nail. It would regularly chip there, but the polish just scrunched up life it was still wet. It was still pretty permeable even after a top coat.
These pics are coming out like a steely grey, but 'Emerald Amethyst' is actually like a muted olive color that changes to a steely purple color when you move your nail.
Yes, those are strawberry shortcake band-aids. I cut a considerable chunk out of that finger two days ago. That nail still has the nail polish I was wearing on that day lol. Every time I take off the bandage I just wrap it right back up... sooooo painful!!
These last few i took without flash to try and show you the actual colors.
Do I talk/type to much in my posts? It just seems like everything has a backstory lol. Anyway, Thanks for reading! Have a great night!
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